New to Internet Marketing and SEO?

What is internet marketing?

It is a form of online digital marketing which makes uses of the internet for its marketing communications to get targeted visitors to your website and to earn a decent profit from your website.


What is SEO?

SEO is a process called search engine optimization to get high rankings and number 1 position for your keywords to be found on the page 1 of search engines.


What is a website?

Website is like your store front. You need a store front for information and a store front to showcase your products. It is the most basic for internet marketing and you will need to develop a website. If your do not have a developed website, you will need website development.


What is the relationship between internet marketing and SEO?

SEO is one of the modules in internet marketing, think about it as internet marketing as a basket and seo is just one of the item in it.


So how do I make a profitable income with these through digital marketing?


Bronze Media explains the details as below,

First step, get a website ready, you will need to purchase a domain and get a reliable web hosting company. Avoid those budget web hosting company as ultimately you want stability to your business and website. A decent $10.00 a month at least is good but of course more expensive is most of the time a better choice for hosting your business website.


Next, you will need to have a product or a service which you are very good at. At Bronze Media, we are good at rendering design services like branding and logo design. Our principal designer, Ms Elis Chai Li Yoon is a multi-award winning designer with over 20 years of experience in design, branding and communications. So when you have a service to recommend to your customer, talk about your strengths of the company and what you can achieve.


Content is king, you might have heard it many times and the rule of the thumb still stands. You will need good content for your website. If there is no good content, there will not be good audience to stay on an engage you for your services. Always write original content, as to avoid being penalized by the Google panda. If you do not know what google panda is, visit other parts of our website for information on Google Panda or simply just google it!


Do onsite optimization, onsite optimization is tweaking your website to be search engine friendly, you might need to know a little of programming like basic HTML in order to do this step.


Now final step, write content daily, and update your website with new content and products if there is regularly. It is important to have fresh new content, nobody likes to visit a website which is outdated or have information which is like 2 to 3 years old or even longer.


So how do I make money then?

It’s simple, When you have more traffic to your website, you will have more targeted visitors looking for the service you are rendering, and these visitors are potential customers. So you really can make money online but it’s not going to be easy.


Is a Good web design important?

Web design may not be too important to many, but I must say that web design is very important factor when coming to sell to consumers. You and me, we are both consumers. Would you buy something from a website which looks like I came out of a trash can or would you buy and trust someone who has a better appearance. Honestly, the saying of Do not judge a book by its cover is totally correct as everyone judges a book by its cover.


What do I do if I need help in web development and web design?

If you need help on getting started with a website and search engine friendly SEO optimized website, you can engage bronze media for websites at just $1000 in Singapore dollars.


More information on website profits to be continued.