Debt Collection Agency

The debt collection agency that collects your delinquent accounts using the vast network of debt collection experts. Personal collections experience and communications and law firms convinced there are better ways of collecting your debts.

Debt collection is a unique process. From sole ownership to large corporations, no any company is unaffected to past due accounts. Debt collection is not an easy process. business collection strategy is different depending on the company type, management and structure.

What is the debt collection agency?

The Debt collection agencies are companies who studied in collecting debts where the original creditor can’t get delay repaid. There are so many debt collection agencies in the Singapore. Some are small and go deeply into collecting only certain types of debt. Others are very large companies operating across several countries.

The original creditor sells or ‘assigns’ your debt to the collection agency because the amount you’re paying isn’t enough for them. The contract you signed with the original creditor allows them to do this after your account has defaulted. They sell the debt at a reduced amount so they get a quick lump sum of money. The collection agency becomes the legal owner of the debt and makes their profit by collecting the whole amount from you.

The original creditor still owns the debt, but they use a collection agency to contact you. The collection agency will often be paid a percentage of the money they collect. You can usually say which of these applies by checking where letters from the collection agency ask you to send payment. If they ask you to continue paying the original creditor, the debt will still be owned by them.

What Debt Collectors agency do?

Debt collectors use letters and phone calls to contact delinquent borrowers and try to convince them to repay what they owe. When debt collectors can’t reach the debtor with the contact information provided by the original creditor, they look further using computer software and private investigators. They can also conduct searches for a debtor’s assets, such as bank and brokerage accounts, to determine a debtor’s ability to repay. Collectors may report delinquent debts to credit bureaus to encourage consumers to pay, since delinquent debts can do serious damage to a consumer’s credit rating.